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Knowledge management – improving the use of knowledge within a company
An often neglected, but extremely important resource in every company is the knowledge found in the
employees and structures of the organisation. Specific knowledge management can help to make better
use of this. A whole range of software tools is available for this purpose today.
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Kings need looking after, too – Customer relationship management is quite a complex issue
One has to know one’s customers to serve them properly. In larger companies this insight has led directly
to so-called customer relationship management (CRM). The question is simply how to develop and implement
successful CRM concepts.
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Ephemeral Archives
Nothing lasts forever - data storage is no exception. The mountains of data that we accumulate worldwide
grow taller every day. Managing them is just one of the challenges they pose, and not the most formidable:
a much more serious problem is the fact that a large part of these records could be lost -
if something is not done to prevent it.
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